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Lossless Frame Memory Compression Using Pixel-Grain Prediction and Dynamic Order Entropy Coding.pdf (4.4 MB) 范 益波, 2018-05-23 11:02
In-Block Prediction-Based Mixed Lossy and Lossless Reference Frame Recompression for Next-Generation Video Encoding.pdf (4.13 MB) 范 益波, 2018-05-23 11:02
Parallel Content-Aware Adaptive Quantization-Oriented Lossy Frame Memory Recompression for HEVC.pdf (3.56 MB) 范 益波, 2018-05-23 11:02
A New Reference Frame Recompression Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for UHDTV Video Codec.pdf (2.06 MB) 范 益波, 2018-05-23 11:02
fc_top.jpg 查看 (26.3 KB) 范 益波, 2018-05-23 11:15