Index by title
- 1992 ANNA
- 1 Histogram of Template for Pedestrian Detection
- 1、YCbCr编码方案
- 1、系统框架
- 2009 CAVIAR
- 2、BT656接口标准
- 3、VGA信号标准
- Accurate Human Detection by Appearance and Motion
- AdaBoost Learning for Fabric Defect Detection Based on HOG and SVM
- AlexNet
- AlexNet Introduction
- AlteraExternal Memory Interface Handbook
- Altera DDR3 SDRAM High-Performance Controller User Guide
- Altera官方高性能DDR控制器RTL代码
- An Improved SIFT Algorithm for Image Feature-Matching
- A Dehazing Algorithm Using Dark Channel Prior And Contrast Enhancement
- A General FPGA Platform
- A high-precision localization algorithm by improved SIFT-keypoints
- A Novel Graph-based Invariant Region Descriptor for Image Matching
- A Pedestrian Detection Method Based on SVM Classifier and Optimized Histograms of Oriented Gradients Feature
- BM3D--Image and video denoising by sparse 3D transform-domain collaborative filtering
- Boundary Constraint and Contextual Regularization
- BRIEF Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
- Caffe
- CAS-PEAL Face Database(Release Agreement Required)<br >
- CAS-PEAL Face Database<br >
- CMU-PIE Database
- Cnn tutorial
- CNP An FPGA-based processor for Convolutional Networks
- Combines Dark Channel Prior with Associate Image Filter
- Combines Dark Channel Prior with Guided Image Filter
- Convolutional Networks and Applications in Vision
- Course
- D-Hazy Dataset
- DDR3 SDRAM RTL model
- DDR3 spec
- DDR Controller
- Deep learning(深度学习)
- Deep Learning algorithm
- DFI spec
- Digital Neuron Model
- Efficient HOG human detection
- Efficient Image Dehazing with Boundary Constraint and Contextual Regularization
- Energy Efficient Embedded Electronics
- Extended Histogram of Gradients with Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Human Detection
- Face Detection
- Fanyibo
- Fast approximated SIFT
- Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
- Fast Image Dehazing Using Guided Joint Bilateral Filter
- Fattal
- FPGA 1996 VIP
- FPGA 2009 CNP
- GoogLeNet
- H264
- H2 OpenRisc
- Han
- Hanrui Wang
- Hardware Accelerated Convolutional Neural Networks for Synthetic Vision Systems
- Hardware Accelerated Visual Attention Algorithm
- Hardware implement
- Hardware Implementation of a Fast and Efficient Haze Removal Method
- Hardware Implementation with Dark Channel Prior
- Haze Removal
- HD-SDI Interface
- He's Dark Channel Prior
- Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection
- Histogram of Template for Pedestrian Detection
- HOG代码
- HOG技术
- Human Detection
- Human detection based on integral histograms of oriented gradients and svm
- Human detection based on pc-svm
- Human Detection Using Oriented Histograms of Flow and Appearance
- ICCD2013 Memory-Centric Accelerator Design for Convolutional Neural Networks
- ICECS2013The Multi 2D Systolic Design and Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks
- ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Image Contrast and Color Information
- Image Contrast Enhancement
- Image debulr
- Image Mosaic
- ISCAS2010 Hardware Accelerated Convolutional Neural
- Kratz's Probabilistic Method
- Lecture notes
- MATLAB 2009b2010b
- Members
- Memory-Centric Accelerator Design for Convolutional Neural Networks
- MSN Chat Bot
- Multicore
- My PPT
- NeuFlow Dataflow Vision Processing system-on-a-chip
- Opencore DDR3 bfm
- Optimized Contrast Enhancement for Real-time Image and Vedio Dehazing
- Other Recourses
- Our Proposed hardware method
- Panorama Mosaic Optimization for Mobile Camera Systems
- Pano Action Camera
- Paper wang
- Paper wang here
- PCA-SIFT A More Distinctive Representation for Local Image Descriptors
- Presentation
- Problems I encountered
- Publications
- Qing Wang
- Real time vision by FPGA implemented CNNs
- Research
- Research on Robust Local Feature Extraction Method for Human Detection
- Robust Motion Detection using Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Illumination Variations
- Running Max-Min Filter
- SCA Platform
- SDRAM Controller
- SDRC Lite详细进度
- SDRC Lite进度
- Semantic Kernels Binarized – A Feature Descriptor for Fast and Robust Matching
- Several methods of single image defogging
- Several methods of single image dehazing
- SIFT算法介绍
- Single Image Dehazing
- Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
- Support Vector Machines for Histogram-Based Image Classification
- SURF Speeded Up Robust Features
- SVM中比较方法的深入理解
- SVM中点的代表物及xi与yi的定义
- SVM代码
- SVM总结
- SVM技术
- Tan
- Tarel
- Theano
- Theano install for windows
- The Multi 2D Systolic Design and Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Title
- Truenorth
- Unclassified
- V009
- V01
- V02
- Verilog HDL
- VF-SIFT Very Fast SIFT Feature Matching
- VS2008
- Wiki
- Xilinx公司DDR控制器代码
- ★★Overhead View Parking Support System
- ★★★Poisson Image Editing
- ★★★Surrounding View for Enhancing Safety on Vehicles
- ★★★★Bird’s-Eye View Vision System for Vehicle Surrounding Monitoring
- ★★★★Fast and High-Quality Image Blending on Mobile Phones
- ★★★★Surrounding View for Enhancing Safety on Vehicles
- ★★★★★Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features
- ★★★★★Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints
- ★★★★★Image Alignment and Stitching A Tutorial
- 一个可获得源代码的DDR2控制器设计
- 下载好的code包
- 人脸检测算法及其芯片实现关键技术研究
- 使用opencv编程实现人脸检测
- 前期工作
- 前端设计
- 受限玻尔兹曼机 restricted Boltzmann machine
- 可以参考的设计
- 可以参考的设计详细目录
- 可获得源码的参考设计
- 后端设计:版本1-基于close page policy
- 后端设计:版本2-基于open page policy
- 后端设计:版本21-基于open pege policy
- 图像融合
- 图像融合算法介绍
- 图像识别
- 基于FPGA的卷积神经网络并行结构研究
- 基于FPGA的卷积神经网络并行结构研究 陆志坚
- 基于FPGA的神经网络硬件实现研究
- 基于FPGA的神经网络硬件实现研究 钱玉多
- 基于简单局部特征学习的物体检测方法
- 如何配置代码
- 开题报告
- 微电子暑期培训
- 数字电视传输技术原理与应用
- 数字逻辑基础
- 数据分析
- 李拱乾
- 毕业答辩
- 毕业论文
- 池俊
- 深度图提取
- 深度学习
- 特征点对比
- 特征点对比算法介绍
- 特征点提取
- 王利鸣
- 王巍
- 直方图与SVM的关系
- 硬件实现文章搜集介绍
- 神经网络芯片
- 突破性的三篇论文
- 细胞神经网络的应用及其算法的硬件实现
- 综述 2010 Convolutional Networks and applications in Vision
- 胡直
- 该项目的最新进展
- 较为活跃与曾经较为活跃的相关研究团队
- 部分可获得的DDR控制器设计代码
- 陈珂
- 黎强
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